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You ensure that products are promoted to the right audience, through the best medium and at the right time. How do I become a Partner Marketing Consultant Germany at Coolblue? As Partner Marketing Consultant Germany you are responsible for media revenue of your team. You do this by collecting marketing budgets from suppliers, and deploying them as optimally as possible in the right marketing channels. In addition, you will help build on the success of Coolblue in Germany. Also want to become Partner Marketing Consultant? Then read on! You enjoy doing this, Encourage and convince suppliers to invest their marketing budgets at Coolblue. Build lasting business relationships with suppliers, ensuring and increasing long-term investments, Attend events and travel to meetings with our vendors. Leverage supplier marketing budgets as profitably as possible, striking the right balance between supplier goals and Coolblue's goals. Negotiate at a high level with our suppliers and get our Coolblue story across like no other. Set up profitable campaigns for the product groups in your charge, working closely with your category team colleagues and the central marketing team. Identify investment opportunities by networking with your suppliers to support us make Coolblue grow in Germany, You recognize yourself in the following, Completed a college or university education. At least 3 years of relevant work experience within a sales or commercial role. Passion for marketing and sales. In addition, you have a winner's mentality. Professional partner for relations. You interact with account managers and senior management. Organizing and coordinating come naturally to you. You spot opportunities from data that you analyze to close better deals every time. You have a command of the Dutch and English language. Du sprichst Deutsch? Extra Bonuspunkte! This is what you’re looking for in a job, With over 30 training courses in our own Coolblue University, you can become a little bit better every day. An extraordinarily good work environment, with freshly made snacks, monthly drinks, legendary Coolblue parties, awesome team activities, and an informal, playful department. Salary in line with the market. Retirement plan. A picture-perfect office at a great location. You could crawl to work from Rotterdam Central Station. Though we recommend just walking for 2 minutes. Room for new initiatives and ideas. We’re always open to those, whether you’ve been with us for a week, a month, or a year. Challenging work to really immerse yourself in, so you sometimes forget you’re even working. A flat organization in the broadest sense of the word. You can just go and have a drink with the boss.

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Bij Coolblue krijg je de vrijheid om te doen wat je wilt. Het maakt niet uit of je nieuw bent, want er wordt gewoon naar je geluisterd en je krijgt de kans om inzichten te delen.
George Khedoe Product Support Specialist

Onze waarden

Vrienden; Eerlijk, direct, open.
Er zijn weinig bedrijven waar zoveel collega's ook vrienden zijn. Dat is onze kracht.
Gewoon, doen. Elke dag een beetje beter.
Niet lullen, maar poetsen. Geen woorden, maar daden. In Rotterdam hebben we er genoeg gezegdes voor. Bij Coolblue noemen we deze nuchtere ondernemersmentaliteit: gewoon, doen.
Flexibel. Durf te veranderen.
We veranderen continu. Soms omdat het kan, soms omdat het moet. Coolblue is vanaf het begin flexibel ingericht om onze harde groei te ondersteunen. Wie “we doen het altijd al zo” zegt is af.
Eigenzinnig. Een beetje anders.
Echte, eigenzinnige Coolblue'ers. Daar zijn we trots op. En daarom laten we die terugkomen in onze reclames en op onze websites. Gewoon als zichzelf.
Gewoon verwonderen. Alles voor een glimlach.
Gewoon verwonderen. Twee woorden die elkaar tegenspreken. Maar juist daarom zo ontzettend Coolblue zijn. Eigenzinnig én nuchter. Het woord gewoon zegt veel.
Solliciteren kost slechts enkele minuten.

Hier ga je werken: Coolblue

Ooit begonnen als studentenbedrijf. Nu het meest klantgerichte bedrijf in Nederland en België met eigen winkels, eigen klantenservice, eigen bezorging, eigen installatie en eigen reparatie. Sinds onze oprichting in 1999 hebben we maar één doel: klanten blij maken.
Er werken meer dan 6.300 Coolblue’ers bij ons, waaronder klantenservicemedewerkers, developers, fietsbezorgers en zonnepanelen-installateurs. We verwelkomen continu nieuwe vrienden ...

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